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  • Writer's pictureThe Recovery Bean

Therapy during lockdown and how to access support

Hi everyone,

Today I wanted to have a quick chat about how I get the most out of my CBT sessions and how I have adapted to online therapy. Everyone's treatment plans are different, and so my experience is unlikely to be the same as yours, but I thought it could be useful to discuss what I'm doing to maximise my experience.

I am on a CBT programme with my ED treatment team, and have weekly zoom calls with my therapist, as well as speaking to my dietician about once a month. At first, moving online was uncomfortable for me, as issues such as poor internet connection created a lag in the conversation. I also found it a bit awkward having the meeting from my own home, and it was just all round odd not being directly face to face.

In order to ensure I am still benefiting from my sessions therefore, I have taken to making a list of all the topics I want to discuss in the lead up, as the added distractions and unfamiliarity of the situation, was meaning that in the first few weeks I was forgetting things and only realising afterwards. I have also been using the Recovery Records app as I mentioned previously in my review post (, and so my therapist has been able to look over my intake and any notes I added about how I was feeling ahead of the session so that we don't waste the limited time we have. I have also still been able to complete the required questionnaires over Zoom, and my team are still tracking my weight as my mum is measuring it at home.

As you will be aware if you've read my previous posts, I am using blind weighing in my recovery, and so although it's a bit awkward, we are managing to relay my weight by my mum writing it down on a piece of paper and me presenting it to the camera with my eyes closed. Another way in which we have adapted as a result of being at home, is that I take the call in my room and my parents go downstairs, shut the door and put the TV on so that I can speak in private.


I am very grateful that I am still able to access professional help during this period, as I know so many people aren't, and lockdown can be particularly taxing when you have an ED or suffer with your mental health. If you are struggling, BEAT Eating disorders have a brilliant section to help support your recovery at this time that may be worth checking out ( I have also posted my own advice on how to manage your recovery during CV19, ( so give that a look if you get the chance! Oh or you can listen to it! ( On top of this, I will as always be suggesting watching recovery youtubers such as What Mia Did Next and MegsyRecovery, as their content never fails to boost my recovery motivation.

My DM's are also always open over on instagram @the_recovery_bean if you have any questions on how to keep going in quarantine or just fancy a chat, and you can always drop me a message on here too!

More from me soon,

Keep safe,

Mais// The Recovery Bean <3

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